Content Marketing Idea for Harvey’s

The brand, I am creating this campaign for is Harvey’s Burgers and I got a creative idea to that will help to influence the popularity of this brand, by doing so, I will be able to attract more customers for this brand and more followers for them on brand’s social site pages. My idea is to develop an app for this brand that will allow customers to order their food products online and they can pickup from store or can get free home delivery. The concept is to add some other features to this app like updates about the Brand’s upcoming burger styles and deals. The app will encourage customers to follow and like their page on Facebook and other pages available on internet. The app will include information about customer’s likings and providing them offers on their favourite foods and that will help to bring more customer’s loyalty. For this idea, my target audience will be students, youngsters, professionals and working people almost everyone who likes burgers. The app will include a feature that will remind customers that if they forgot to bring their lunch to work, then can order their lunch now and pay online on the app and pick-up from nearby store. The app will also include the suggestion box for customers, that will allow them to give some new ideas on how Harvey’s can improve their foods or what can they add more to their meals. My main goal is to influence more brand awareness about Harvey’s and bring more customers and that will help this brand to rise in the market. I will launch this idea on New Year because, on new year people always plan to go outside and have some fun in restaurants so, that can help to bring their attraction toward Harvey’s. This idea will be promoted on social sites and advertisements on T.V and posters for advertisement. As I mentioned above this idea will attract customers toward Harvey’s, the idea is to provide more offers and combos for customers that will encourage them to engage in this idea. 


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