Fan pages, Influencers and inbound links for Harvey’s and Hero Burgers

According to my research on internet I did not find any kind of fan pages for both brands but I found some other page that influence these brands on their pages. Like I got a post about Harvey’s deals on here is the link to that page  here they posted about Harvey’s two original or veggie burgers for $6 and this post was quite popular on their page and got 49 comments from the audience who were interested in this offer. This was only the post I got from another page about Harvey’s. Hero Burgers do not have any fan pages as well but, I got a post on website page named And here is the link to that page  here they posted about veggie style burger by Hero Burgers and its gluten free, the person who posted about that says they got free veggie style burger in a mall and they enjoyed it and decided to post about it on page. So, this post was not quite popular among the audience because the page is not popular among the visitors. So, I just found one post per brand on the pages that influence them.


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