Harvey’s vs Hero Burgers on YouTube

By analyzing two brands on YouTube, I got some idea about what they want to show their audience, Harvey’s show about their new burger collections and upcoming deals in their stores and Hero Burgers also tries to promote their products on YouTube. As per their available data, Harvey’s post a video on their channel after a month whereas Hero Burgers post a video after 1 year on average that’s quite long time. Here I can show screen-shorts of their best video, one for each brand and will also provide link to those videos:
Harvey's Burgers
Hero Certified Burgers
Those two videos were popular among their customers because Harvey’s is introducing a new beverage for $1.89 and attracts their customers so, that videos got successful on their YouTube page and it got 422,871 views and 3 likes. On the other hand, Hero Burger’s video was popular among their customers because they were introducing their new signature burger and attracted the viewers and got 11,422 views and 2 likes, that was most successful video on their page among other videos. If we talk about the videos posted by both brands on their pages and number of their subscribers, Harvey’s got 273 subscribers and 15 videos posted on their page whereas, Hero Burgers got 58 subscribers only and 16 videos posted on their page. It seems that Harvey’s is doing well on YouTube as compare to Hero Burgers.


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