Harvey’s vs Hero Burgers on Twitter

If we talk about the reputation of both brands on Twitter, its kind of same as Facebook like, Harvey’s got more followers on twitter, they got 21.7k followers whereas, Hero Burgers got only 5,254 followers. Harvey’s tweets quite more than Hero Burgers. The Harvey’s use 50/50 rule less often than Hero Burgers. Harvey’s tweets about their discount and offers on their burgers whereas, Hero Burgers tweets about their offers as well as about their brand awareness. Here I will show one post for each brand that was popular on their page:
Hero Burgers on Twitter:
Harvey's Burgers on Twitter:
Here are some hashtag keywords used by Harvey’s on twitter, #SwissMushroomMelt, #Superberrysmoothie. On the other hand, Hero Burgers use hashtag keywords like this #Hero Burgers, #Gluten free, #lunch. I have already included the two most successful tweets of both brands. Here I will give some description about them, the Harvey’s successful post got 60 likes, 19 shares, 8 comments and this tweet was successful among latest 25 posts. The Hero Burgers tweet got 10 likes, 9 shares and 0 comments, and it was tweet that seems to be successful among 25 latest tweets on their page. I think their tweets were successful because, Harvey’s showed a deal on their burger on Canada Day their followers liked it, the Hero Burger’s tweet got successful because it also gave a message in their tweet about celebrating Canada Day and giving some information about a contest. The Harvey’s got 21.7k followers and average of 3 comments and 7 shares and Hero Burgers got 5,254 followers and average of 2 comments and 0 shares on their tweets.


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