Influencers & fans of McDonald's Vs. Burger King


McDonald's top influencers:

As an entertainment media network, IGN delivers content of Video Games, Wikis, Cheats, Walkthroughs, Reviews, News, etc. It can be the top 1 influencer of McDonalds because it’s public influence and large group of followers. When IGN post content about McDonalds, it is about the new and popular products and cool events. Second, Nathan Allen Pirtle twitter is more like a celebrity endorsement, he has tons of followers and big impact on life coach and internet marketing. RT is also a news network and broadcast. It has post a lot of news of McDonalds.

Burger King top influencers:

Compare the influencers

The winner is McDonald's. As it has more popularity on harshtags and the influencers are more popular and has larger influence towards twitter audience. If we look at the “related hashtags”, we can find that McDonald's will appear first when searching burger king. But when we are searching McDonald's, burger king is not the first related hashtag. So no matter in brand awareness and attention rate& fans, McDonald's has the larger extent of popularity.


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