McDonald's Vs. Burger King on Youtube


McDonald’s official channel on Youtube has 300,657 subscribers and they keep update the video from date to date. The video they have posted is mostly branded commercials and all of the videos have comments. Burger King has 53,572 subscribers for its channel and their video seldom and not actively updated.

Compare the number

·        McDonald’s has almost 6 times of subscribers of Burger Kings. 
·        McDonald’s has 57 videos on their channel compare to 9 of Burger Kings.
·        McDonald’s has posted its videos intensively from 7 month ago, it post 2-10 videos per month; while at Burger Kings posted at irregular intervals with only 9 videos intotal through 1 year.
·         The length of the videos are different, Burger Kings videos are all 15-60 seconds, but McDonald’s post servral videos are over 2 minutes.

Content of the videos

·         Both of their videos are commercials and about their products. But McDonald’s posts are with more interesting content (it has street interviews, animations, artistical advertising). Burger king are faded of its single direct commercials.

·         McDonald’s posts refers to a lot of many popular topics and emerging fashion. Eg: it has one video is about “dodo”- the micro edition of the cooking world, which is a quite popular topic in that period of time. So McDonald’s video is always leading the fashion and trends.

Compare their most successful videos

Winner: McDonald’s.
McDonald’s has 3075,796 views on this video, and it is published 1 week ago compared to Burger Kings 7 month ago. But it can also be seen that Burger Kings video has more like on it.
For McDonald’s, the video are talking about a new flavor and a celebrity who are really popular recently. So it is the most popular video in its channel.

For Burger King, the video is very interesting of content and a surprise to audience to watch. It has funny effect in the content that will be a enjoyment to them, thus it receive more “like”.


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